Monday, September 11, 2017

Kootenai River near Libby, Montana

On September 8, our last day in Montana, we headed west through the ever present smoke to Libby, Montana.  My brother had told us about a hike to the Kootenai River Falls and swinging bridge.  I am so glad we didn't miss this little gem in western Montana!  The photos will speak for themselves...

Notice the colors in this tree trunk...

And the glacial ripples in the rock...

With all the water rushing through the pictures above, it's sad to think it couldn't stop the fires in the area!

Crossing the bridge was a little scary, even with just one of us at a time.


  1. The bridge didn't look so scary until you showed what it looked like from the other side and you could see how far it was down below. Yikes! I can imagine just how beautiful the area is when there is no smoke to obscure the view.

    1. You're right, Cathy! It didn't get scary until I looked down, and then the bridge started to swing a little. I've been away from wifi for a few days, so am just getting around to replying now.


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