Tuesday, September 26, 2017

Back to the Coast Again (September 23 & 24)

After two days of winter, we headed back to the coast of Oregon by way of the redwood forest of Jedediah Smith State Park.
It's difficult to capture the full height and diameter of the trees with a camera, but this photo helps to put it in perspective.

And these fungi look like natural bird feeders installed on a tree trunk.
Not too far from the redwood forest at the southern most stretch of the Oregon coast is Brookings.  We had reservations for two nights at Lowden's Beachfront B&B.  This is the view of the Winchuck River from our suite...
And this view slightly more to the west is where the river meets the Pacific Ocean.  What a magnificent location!
Here's a view of the house from the beach...
And a closer view of the river flowing into the ocean.

And most magnificent of all--the sunset...

Early the next morning, we saw two otters playing in the river...

Later in the morning we walked a different beach at the north end of Brookings...

And each time, our pockets grew heavy with beautiful rocks we collected.  Here's just a small sampling...
I don't often get a photo of Doug's smiling face because he's usually behind his camera...
And I can't neglect to show you this wonderful little porthole in the wall of our suite.  It lets in the sound of the ocean all night long...
Now we are making a fast track across California on our way to the Grand Canyon...


  1. How eagerly I look forward to your latest adventures!

  2. Love the rocks! And those trees have been on my bucket list for some time already.


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